Fine Pueblo Pottery
Fine Pueblo Pottery
Quality Southwestern Native American and Mata Ortiz Pottery
Hopi Katsina Dolls
See bottom of page on How to Purchase
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Innocence in her curious eyes, a silent, purposeful child approaches her grandmother.
Bah-ba, teach me to sing the clay.
Brushing silver-stranded hair from her intent face, pausing from her work, she smiles.
Amnu, Tza Bah-bah, come close and listen. In this way, Grandchild, we have been told to remember ...
In a voice slightly more than whisper, she begins to pray.
Oh, Mother Clay and Great Creator, hear me. For this young one, my Grandchild, I offer you my breath and once more ask for guidance. From your sacred colored earth, I mix with water, move it in my hands and shape these potteries. Bless them with fire, that the stories of all my Mothers, all my Fathers, be remembered.
Taking the child's small hands in hers, she traces the painted lines, lovingly.
You see, Grandchild, each shape, each design, has meaning in this beautiful life, and Mother Clay helps us on our earthwalk. And for those who came before us, who taught us, we must remember and thank them, all of them. This sacred earth we live upon and share with all its creatures -- the rain that wets the earth, making things grow -- the sun and fire and its life-giving heat -- the green plants for our paints and brushes -- the Grandmothers and Grandfathers who showed the people -- and you, Tza Bah-Bah, are part of all this. In this way, Grandchild, we remember ...
She picks up the large water jar decorated with many painted symbols, turns it slowly in her ageless hands, and begins to sing:
Wa-yo-ho-naaaaha, wha-y-ho-na-aahaa-a-yeh ... From over there, way over there
Rain clouds gather
And moving swiftly across broad horizons they come
Dark and heavy
They come dancing
Bringing sweet wet blessing to all your relations ... Aahh-eloh-yah-aah, eloh-yah-aha-yeh-ehhhh!
Harold Littlebird
(Laguna-Santo Domingo poet and potter)
A Poem
If of thy mortal goods
Though art bereft
And from thy slender store
Two loaves alone to thee are left
Sell one and with the dole
Buy Hyacinths to feed thy soul
Moslih Eddin Saadi (Gulistan)
(Garden of Roses)
How to Purchase
1.Use Shopping Cart
2.Call Tony @ 925 462 5794 Tony at